Sunday we went to Santa Monica with my sister, Rodney and most of his family! It was pretty much was all of our first "real" experience going there. Me and Reann started off going to Rodney's to pick him and Ian up to go to Costa Mesa to meet everyone there, then drive to Santa Monica. Marie was the driver of the day so I had the pleasure of sitting in the very back of the Oddessy with my sister and Ian while watching Spanish hahah we later on changed it to Finding Nemo! Like Rodney said, "I forgot how good that movie was". Despite bringing our bikes, we didn't get to ride them even if our whole purpose of driving for about an hour there was to ride them but we still had a great time!! At least Reann, Ian and Marie got to ride their bikes...down the parking structure. Ahh, I wish I had my camera because the beach looked so nice! I was so excited to be on the pier, "It looks like Rocket Power" hahaha, I even saw a trapeze school! After gaining probably another pound and looking for a bike rental place, then not finding one because they were all closed we went to "The Promenade", I think that's what it was called, so many street performers there! Maybe me and Rodney should bring our infamous magic trick there hahah. Anyways finishing it up in Santa Monica around...7 or 8? We headed back to Costa Mesa, knocking out in the van. Later around 9 Reann, Rodney, Ian and I went to visit T.j at Crepe Shack and played "Goldfish" while waiting for T.j's BOMB crepes once again hahah. Basically it was a great day!