
Sunday, May 3, 2009

Just as I thought...

Ahh, so this is what I was afraid of...letting my blog rot with no new entries. So a brief overview of what happend through these past months.

Rodney and I had our 1 year anniversary and celebrated it at BJ's along with our a year and 1, 2, 3 month anniversaries hahah

I got a job at SGC then left after only a few days then found a new job 2 weeks after and loving it

Chouji got neutered...and then neutered again a month later

Spring session started

Rodney bought me a Canon Rebel XTi!

Going to my cousin Danny's 21st birthday party and knocking out next to Rodney and Chi-chan at 3 in the morning on Jape's floor, I think the patrone got me, tasted like gasssssss. As for Rodney, hard alcohol makes him a dancing machine...seriously hahah (I'll write more on this in a diffrent entry along with some pictures)

Going to Hector's show at the Glass House in Pomona. His band sounds even better live! Oh Rodney and I also saw Hagrid from Harry Potter there too, I THINK he was a drummer.

Celebrated A.J's 23rd birthday with a suprise birthday but this time the tequila got me (only after 1 or 2 shots...I think). Yet again Rodney's dance moves were everywhere and on everyone due to under the influence of tequila, thus given the name by Brian "Danny Tequila".

Cousin Nikki came over! But barely got to see her, boo! Although we did get to spend a whole day at California Adventures...for FREE!

Chouji finally gets a haircut!

Krystal's 8th birthday at Hometown, I thought I was going to die that day.

Reann's 17th birthday at BJ's. Rodney found his new favoite drink there...Tokyo Tea, I drank some and it taste booomb but I did like the Adios and Chi-chans Long Island ice tea too.

I also picked up aerobics, damn and I thought cardio workouts were breathtaking. I like it though, as long as I don't gain huge ass muscels.

Well that's all that I can remember for this brief summary of mine! Oh and I'll start putting more pictures up once my computer get's fixed.

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